Main colours
These main colours create the basic visual character of the brand.
Violet 60 | |
HEX | #6b50ff |
RGB | value |
CMYK | 71-70-0-0 |
Pantone C | 2089 C |
Pantone U | Violet U |
Black | |
HEX | #000000 |
RGB | value |
CMYK | 0-0-0-100 |
Pantone C | Black 6 C |
Pantone U | Black 6 U |
Secondary colours
Red 50 |
#f95355 |
value |
Purple 60 |
#a72dea |
value |
Violet 60 |
#6b50ff |
value |
Blue 60 |
#2460ff |
value |
Teal 30 |
#56d8e0 |
value |
Interaction colours
Green 50 |
#13a454 |
value |
Orange 50 |
#eb6307 |
value |
Red 60 |
#d9222c |
value |
Colour palettes
Colour palettes allow us to create digital environments (apps, web) with sufficient contrast and accessibility of all elements.
Gray 100
#161616Gray 90
#262626Gray 80
#393939Gray 70
#525252Gray 60
#6f6f6fGray 50
#8d8d8dGray 40
#a8a8a8Gray 30
#c6c6c6Gray 20
#e0e0e0Gray 10
#f4f4f4Yellow 100
#1d1401Yellow 90
#312402Yellow 80
#493605Yellow 70
#694f04Yellow 60
#8e6b00Yellow 50
#b28700Yellow 40
#d3a103Yellow 30
#f4c01aYellow 20
#fedd6fYellow 10
#fcf4d6Gold 100
#241100Gold 90
#3b1f01Gold 80
#573002Gold 70
#7b4505Gold 60
#a45f09Gold 50
#cf790eGold 40
#ed9419Gold 30
#feba53Gold 20
#fddc95Gold 10
#fff2deOrange 100
#251200Orange 90
#421b00Orange 80
#642600Orange 70
#933200Orange 60
#c14812Orange 50
#eb6307Orange 40
#fe8431Orange 30
#ffb687Orange 20
#ffd8bfOrange 10
#fff1e9Red 100
#2b0b0bRed 90
#4f090dRed 80
#740e14Red 70
#a2171fRed 60
#d9222cRed 50
#f95355Red 40
#ff8384Red 30
#ffb3b2Red 20
#ffd6d5Red 10
#fff1f2Magenta 100
#290c17Magenta 90
#4f071dMagenta 80
#720f2dMagenta 70
#a01743Magenta 60
#d3265dMagenta 50
#ee5884Magenta 40
#fb82a8Magenta 30
#ffb0caMagenta 20
#ffd5e4Magenta 10
#fff0f6Purple 100
#200f29Purple 90
#3b1151Purple 80
#59137dPurple 70
#7e1cb2Purple 60
#a72deaPurple 50
#c063f9Purple 40
#d28df7Purple 30
#e3b6faPurple 20
#f2d6fdPurple 10
#fbf1fbViolet 100
#170d3aViolet 90
#281661Violet 80
#39238fViolet 70
#5432cdViolet 60
#6b50ffViolet 50
#8b7cffViolet 40
#a69dffViolet 30
#c5c0ffViolet 20
#dfdcffViolet 10
#f3f2ffBlue 100
#071338Blue 90
#071d67Blue 80
#0a2e9bBlue 70
#1043cdBlue 60
#2460ffBlue 50
#4b8affBlue 40
#7ca8ffBlue 30
#a9c7ffBlue 20
#d0e0ffBlue 10
#ecf5ffTeal 100
#031a1cTeal 90
#002a2dTeal 80
#004042Teal 70
#005e5eTeal 60
#007c83Teal 50
#009da7Teal 40
#00bac5Teal 30
#56d8e0Teal 20
#a3ecf1Teal 10
#e0fafbGreen 100
#061912Green 90
#102b19Green 80
#124223Green 70
#195e33Green 60
#168042Green 50
#13a454Green 40
#34c06aGreen 30
#5adf88Green 20
#a3f1b9Green 10
#ddfbe9Lime 100
#081905Lime 90
#182b05Lime 80
#26400cLime 70
#355c15Lime 60
#457d1fLime 50
#599f2aLime 40
#6dbc39Lime 30
#89db5dLime 20
#a6f382Lime 10
#e0fcd6Colour ratios
Proportional use of colour within the visual style.
Contrast control
Check the contrast between foreground and background colours to ensure that text, headings and buttons are legible according to accessibility standards.
Insert foreground color
Insert background color
Contrast |
1.00 |
Is suitable for paragraphs? |
Is suitable for headlines? |
Is suitable for buttons? |
Color Modes
Color modes determine the color scheme we choose for the logo to display correctly on screens and in print.
Color Mode | What is it? | Usage |
HEX | RGB Equivalent (hexadecimal) | WEBHTMLCSS |
RGB | Color Space of Screens RGB | WEBHTMLCSS |
Color Space for Printers CMYK |
Pantone |
Direct Mixed Colors Pantone for printing | PRINT |
Color Mode Selection
Suitable Color Mode for Logo: | RGB logo |
CMYK logo |
Pantone logo |
Logo will be on screen (web, mobile, presentation…) | |||
Logo will be in print (business card, flyer…) |