Paper formats

Common Papers

Millimeters (mm)

The most common paper formats in the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the world, except for the USA, Canada, Mexico, and some South American countries, comply with the international standard ISO 216. This standard was originally adopted in Germany in 1922 as DIN 476.

0 841 × 1189 1000 × 1414 917 × 1297 545 × 771
1 594 × 841 707 × 1000 648 × 917 545 × 771
2 420 × 594 500 × 707 458 × 648 385 × 545
3 297 × 420 353 × 500 324 × 458 272 × 385 400 × 560
4 210 × 297 250 × 353 229 × 324 192 × 272 280 × 400
5 148 × 210 176 × 250 162 × 229 136 × 192 200 × 280
6 105 × 148 125 × 176 114 × 162 96 × 136 140 × 200
7 74 × 105 88 × 125 81 × 114 68 × 96
8 52 × 74 62 × 88 57 × 81
9 37 × 52 44 × 62 40 × 57
10 26 × 37 31 × 44 28 × 40


Millimeters (mm)

The use of formats for envelopes is defined by the international standard ISO 269 (corresponding to the German standard DIN 678; adopted in the Czech Republic as "ČSN ISO 269").

Size (w × h) Content Format
DL 220 × 110 fits 1/3 A4
C7/C6 162 × 81 fits 1/3 A5
C6 162 × 114 fits A6
C6/C5 229 × 114 fits 1/3 A4 (like DL, but larger for margins)
C5 229 × 162 fits A5
C4 324 × 229 fits A4
C3 458 × 324 fits A3
B6 176 × 125 fits an envelope of C6 format
B5 250 × 176 fits an envelope of C5 format
B4 353 × 250 fits an envelope of C4 format

Additional Information

Find more relevant informations on these websites.

Formáty papírů
